Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Comic-Con Bound

As we write this, we are stranded in the airport, bound for San Diego. We will make it there tonight (supposedly), though too late to go through registration tonight. That means we'll have the privilege of waiting in line with thousands of our new best friends tomorrow morning. Sigh. Nonetheless, we'll try our best to post our pix during the con with as many (lamely) witty captions as we can muster - that is if we feel like lugging our way-too-heaving laptop through the convention hall.
We can tell you that we only brought 29 comics to get signed this year, over a 50% reduction from last year. That will free us up for more panels and pop-culture goodness. We hope to issues from the following titles signed: Sword, Spider-Woman: Origin, Girls, Wonder Woman, Manhunter, Secret Invasion, Kabuki, White Tiger, Ultra and more that we can't recall at the moment. Airports completely sap all energy away from us for reasons we can't explain. It's like they pump anesthesia into the air conditioning. If it sounds like we are babbling, it's because we are: We are waiting for out laptop to charge and are sitting on very uncomfortable industrial carpet ... On that note our ass hurts and it's time to move to a pleather chair.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mister Fanboy,
    Oh no! Boo strandedness! I wish you happy traveling. Hope you have arrived safely.
