Monday, July 31, 2006

Update To Comments on Comics Confusion: A Mister Fanboy Comics Commentary About Younger Readers

Earlier this month Mister Fanboy Comics posted about his inept attempts at getting young girls into comments in his Comments on Comics Confusion: A Mister Fanboy Comics Commentary About Younger Readers post. He sends us this brief update today.

I took everyone's advice and passed along the first three digest-sized trade paperbacks of Runaways and passed them along to the girls. These represent issues 1 - 18. I saw then girls this weekend for the first time since I got them to read the other comics. Anyway, they leave tomorrow for a few weeks for a family trip to Europe so I am sure that the comics will be read on the plane. When they get back, I'll find out if they liked them or not, and report their impressions back to you. To date, this is one of the most linked to posts over here at Mister Fanboy so we know you are interested.

The older one commented to me that the comics I had previously shared with her were confusing and "not very good."

On a separate note, I was stunned to see which character died in Runaways #18 and was pleasantly surprised with Civil War: Young Avengers/Runaways #1, both of which i read last night. For those that haven't been keeping up with the series, two of the team have died, two more characters have joined the team, and there have been appearances by Captain America and Cloak and Dagger to name a few. Check it out. Even though it's geared towards folks more than half my age, I still love it. I hope you will too.


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