Comic-Con Day 3 Report

Day 3 was a blast. Our interepid Mister Fanboy Staff photographers were out and about. No doubt about it. The crowds were not nearly as thick as last year’s Saturday at Comic-Con, and thankfully the AC stayed on this year as well (if not a bit too cold).
We finally got the entire run of Alias signed by scribe Brian Michael Bendis and cover artiste David Mack. Bendis also signed some choice New Avengers issues for us. Mack also completed signing our entire collection of Kabuki issues, and his DVD. Additionally, we made some fine purchases of Kabuki related merchanside includeing a poster and a black tee, as well as a print of a Mack cover piece from Daredevil.
Rosario Dawson struck a funny pose while signing issues of her own comic.
My Chemical Romance’s Gerard Way caused quite a stir with his appearance.
Jeph Loeb did some signings as well, but was off the beaten path in this pic away from Marvel (we forget where).
Nightmare on Elm Street’s Freddie Krueger was out and about as well.
We totally enjoyed the Babylon 5 panel about today’s release of the direct-to-DVD feature, which featured Bruce Boxleitner, Tracy Scoggins, and Peter Woodward along with JMS. The crowd was huge. Sadly, our pix were stolen by the Shadows.
We also ran into Ghostbuster’s Ernie Hudson in the line at Starbucks, but the Shadows stole those pictures as well.
Milla Jovovich was very gracious and friendly while promoting the upcoming release of the 3rd installment of Resident Evil. Heroes’ Ali Larter, also in the film, seemed to really be eating up all of the attention she’s been getting of late, and we don’t mean that in a good way.
A clip of Sam Raimi’s upcoming adaptation of the excellent comic 30 Days of Night scared us shitless – and we already know what happens in the film. It stars Josh Hartnett and Ben Foster (X-Men’s Angel).
We also attended the Masquerade Ball, for which we will have a seperate post.
Wondering where our sense of humor went? Ali Larter ate it.
Labels: 30 Days of Night, Alias, Babylon 5, Ben Foster, Brian Michael Bendis, Comic-Con, Comics, David Mack, Fallen Angel, Josh Hartett, Kabuki, Milla Jovovich, New Avengers, Resident Evil, Sam Raimi, X-Men